Géo-fermes exclusives à vendre ou à investir
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Fermes à vendre au Brésil
Opportunité unique au Brésil de fermes à vendre. Achetez votre ferme ou investissez dans un resort sur la côte sud du Brésil. Réservez votre visite et laissez-vous surprendre par un accueil chaleureux dans certaines des terres brutes intactes les plus spectaculaires du monde. N'hésitez pas à demander votre portefeuille d'investissement, ou un flyer du bien qui a le plus retenu votre attention.
Au Brésil, le climat est favorable et le sol est fertile, où pousse tout ce que vous plantez. Votre retour sur investissement est aussi rapide que dans une production saisonnière, avec de bons bénéfices immédiats et peu de pertes, voire aucune.
Appelez-nous pour une présentation où que vous soyez.
Opportunité d'investissement
au sud du Brésil
Le sud du Brésil offre un climat idéal pour le développement de stations balnéaires. Avec une saison hivernale douce et rafraîchissante, de la neige occasionnelle dans les sommets et de légères gelées dans les vallées, et des brises marines rafraîchissantes sur la côte, c'est l'endroit idéal pour construire une station balnéaire. Investissez dès aujourd’hui dans une propriété au Brésil et profitez du beau temps toute l’année.
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An attractive land holding in a scenic Southeast coast with established native and commercial woodland. An area of 339 acres, the equivalent of 1,373,000 sq/m, with sea front of 3,700 m long at the beach of Itapoa, in the city that has the same name. The area located in between two rivers with both sides facing the rivers Sai Mirin and Sai Guaçu. Within the new master plan of the city of Itapoá, this area is limited to exploit 20% for construction area, preserving the environment and forests.
A small area within the Atlantic Mountain Range is for sale, either way it can be a living for rights-concession for a unique price as above referred to off-grid awakening people who love nature and will know how to live in nature without destroying it, on the contrary, will know well how to preserve it. It is absolutely an amazing and very unique opportunity.
Agriculture intelligente et durable
Ci-dessous, une liste de belles fermes dotées d'une infrastructure complète et d'une pleine capacité continue.
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Farm with 15,577 hectares - Baixa Grande do Ribeiro, in the State of Piaui. It has useful productive area of 8,965 hectares, 8,717 hectares cropped area (soybean and corn rotation, an altitude up to 450 to 550 meters above sea level, the equivalent of approx. 1,476 ft, 100% is flat topography with 15% to 35% of clay content.
Farm with 13,979 hectares, located in the State of Mato Grosso. The farm's soil is quite favourable for soybean production. And as a side note: the neighbouring farms had high productivity, obtaining 55 bags per hectare in its first year of production. It is a fertile and good quality land. It consists of a townhouse, gardens with swimming pool and various other improvements. Next to the headquarters there are several houses for the settlers or for the resident staff with canteen and lodgings.
Guanabara Farm has an area of 12,413 hectares.
Farm in Confresa has approximately 39,000 hectares of total area, from which 17,000 hectares are opened area with 7,000 up to 13,000hectares in crops, and 10,000 hectares of pasture. There is a complete structure for livestock and farming.
Total area of the farm is 21,000 hectares. It is located in Diamantino, State of Mato Grosso, in the Central-West region of Brazil. 6,500 are in pasture. 35% legal preservation area. Flat topography with a slight rippled surface.
Farm with a total area of 15,050 hectares in the municipality of Fortuna, State of Maranhao, in the North region of Brazil. Flat topography. Potential for irrigation. With very good main house with swimming pool. With several houses for employees. Machinery sheds. 1,200 meter aviation runway.
Farm with a total area of 10,136 hectares (4,188 are São Paulo bushels) in the municipality of Nova Andradina, in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Central-West region of Brazil. 2,685 hectares of eucalyptus that is already being cut. 1,000 hectares in soybean farming. 4,000 hectares of livestock farming formed into pasture. 500 hectares in peanuts Remaining legal preservation area. Currently with 6,000 head of cattle.
Farm with 18,567 hectares in the municipality of Porto dos Gaúchos, in the State of Mato Grosso, in the Central-West region of Brazil. Perfect land to grow soybeans: 6,500 hectares + 500 hectares felled and raked ready for planting, with flat topography. Clay from 20 to 45%. Main 5-ensuite bed house with meeting room. With several staff houses and accommodation. Shed with Workshop / Rubber Shop. Machinery shed. Artesian well. With warehouse for 250,000 bags, dryer, scales.
Farm with a total area of 20,303 hectares in vicinities of the municipality of Vila Rica, in the State of Mato Gtosso, Central-West region on Brazil. Open area: 8,000 hectares formed in Brachiaria, or signalgrass, of which 7,000 hectares are suitable for farming. Flat topography. Soil with a variation of 15 to 35% clay. Average rainfall 2,400 mm/per annum.
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